Astronaut leaves a picture in the Moon

Astronaut Charles Duke left his family picture on the moon before departing, as part of the Apollo 16 mission. And prior to leaving this photo, he went down in history for collecting the largest and heaviest lunar rock ever brought back to Earth: Big Muley. It was a hilariously awkward feat, and quite a dangerous one at that. It’s captured on video

Charles Duke kishte lënë fotografinë e tij me gruan Dottien dhe dy djemtë Tomin dhe Charles. Në rast se do të gjendej nga jashtëtokësorët, piloti i “Apollo 16” kishte shkruar prapa saj: “Kjo është familja e astronautit Duke nga planeti Toka. Ne aterruam në Hënë, Prill 1972”.

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